

Behar 1

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6 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 1 - 5: The laws of Shemittah and their connection to Mt. Sinai.

Behar 2

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6 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 5 - 12: Conclusion of the laws of Shemittah. Begins with the laws of the Yovel, the Jubilee year.

Behar 3

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6 years ago
Chp 25 verses 13 - 21: Continuing with laws and description of the Jubilee year.

Behar 4

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6 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 22 - 31: finishes the topic of Yovel with regards to a field and continues with the sale of a house in both a walled and unwalled city.

Behar 5

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6 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 32 - 38: begins with the laws of the houses and land owned by a levite as ancestral property. Continues with the mitzvah to give charity and not to charge interest.

Behar 6

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6 years ago
Chp.25 verses 39 - 55 Chp, 26 verses 1 & 2: Begins with helping your brother. Continues with your brother selling himself to you as a slave, and your responsibilities. The laws of a Jew who sells himself to a resident Gentile. The portion finishes with the command to keep the Shabbos and revere the Temple.

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