10 years ago
Chp. 10 verses 1 - 15: Introduction, Hashem tells Moshe to go to Pharaoh. He says that He has hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants so that He can show them His signs. Also, so that the children of Israel will know for all generations that He is the L-rd. Moshe and Aaron go to Pharaoh and warn him about the plague of locusts that would devour his land. His servants tell him to let the men go and serve Hashem. Pharaoh asks them who would go out for this festival? They tell him everyone. He warns them about the sign of blood that his astrologers see for them in the desert. He accuses them of being disingenuous and drives them out. Hashem then tells Moshe to bring the plague of locusts. The east wind blows all night and in the morning the locust come and devour everything that the hail had spared.
10 years ago
Chp. 10 verses 16 - 29: Pharaoh immediately calls Moshe and Aaron and admits that he has sinned to G-d and to them. He asked them to pray to Hashem to remove the locusts which he calls death. Moshe goes out from Pharaoh and prays to Hashem, who then brings a strong west wind and removes all the locusts in an instant even those that were pickled in jars. Hashem hardens his heart and he does not send out the people. Hashem then tells Moshe to stretch out his hand and bring the plague of darkness. He does so and there are three days of extreme darkness and then three days of thick darkness where not Egyptian can move. The Jews however are able to see and go where they wish. Pharaoh then agrees to let everyone go out except the animals. Moshe says not only will they take their animals but that Pharaoh will give them some of his. Again Hashem hardens Pharaoh's heart and he threatens Moshe that the next day he sees his face he would die. Moshe agrees that he would not see Pharaoh again.
10 years ago
Chp. 11 verses 1 - 9: Hashem informs Moshe that there would be one more plague that would be brought on the Egyptians. Hashem asks the Jews to borrow gold and silver from the Egyptians. Moshe tells Pharaoh that at midnight G-d will kill all firstborns in Egypt. From the firstborn of Pharaoh to the firstborn of the maidservant and all animals. But not one Jewish person or animal will die. Then your servants will come and bow down to me and ask that all the people leave. He leaves Pharaoh in a fit of anger. G-d tells him that Pharaoh will not listen to you so that My wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt.
10 years ago
Chp. 11 verses 9&10 Chp. 12 verses 1 - 8: Description of all plagues and events of exodus according to Maharal. Chp. 12, Hashem tells Moshe and Aaron the first communal commandment, establishing the new month. He then tells them to command the people to take on the tenth of the month a yearling sheep for a sacrifice. One sheep for each household. They should keep the sheep until the afternoon of the fourteenth when they would slaughter it. They would then take some of the blood and place it on the two doorposts and the lintel. They should eat the meat roasted together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
10 years ago
Chp. 12 verses 9 -20: Continues with Hashem's command to Moshe that the Pascal offering could only be eaten roasted on a spit. That it had to be consumed that night and anything left over had to be burnt. It had to eaten in a state of haste. That Hashem would kill all first born of man and animals on that night. But the blood would be a sign on their houses to protect them. This would be a memorial for future generations. To celebrate seven days of Passover, with the first and seventh day being holy. All seven days leaven should not be found in their houses, but the obligation to eat matzo would only be for the first night the other days would be voluntary. Anyone transgressing this command would be punished with excision.
10 years ago
Chp. 12 verses 21 - 36: Moshe tells the elders to tell the people to take the sheep and slaughter it as a pascal offering. They were to take and bunch of hyssop and dip it into the blood and place it on the lintel and the doorposts. They were not allowed to leave their houses until morning. This would protect them from the destroyer. They were to observe Passover for ever. It goes on to tell us about the statement of the evil son. Moshe and Aaron and all the people do exactly as Hashem commanded. It continues with Hashem killing all firstborn in Egypt. Pharaoh being a firstborn himself goes searching for Moshe and tells him that the B'nai Israel can leave with all the conditions that Moshe wanted he just wanted them to leave immediately. They put their dough on their shoulders and borrowed silver, gold and clothing from the Egyptians. They emptied out Egypt.
10 years ago
Chp. 12 verses 37 - 51: The B'nai Yisrael travel from Rameses to Succoth. They leave in haste with unleavened cakes and no other provisions. After 430 years on that special day the Jews left Egypt and it would be a night of watching for all generations. Hashem tells Moshe and Aaron the laws of the Pascal offering for future generations. The people did as Hashem commanded Moshe and Aaron. And it was on that very day that Hashem took out the children of Israel from Egypt with their hosts.
10 years ago
Chp. 13 verses 1 - 13: Opens with the first paragraph written in the Tefillin. Begins with the command to redeem all firstborn Jewish male children and kosher animals. Continues with the laws of Passover, and concludes with the command to wear Tefillin. Continues with the second paragraph written in the Tefillin. Reiterates the laws of redeeming animals and adds the redeeming of the firstborn donkey with a lamb, and also redeeming firstborn son. The sedra concludes with another mention of the command to wear Tefillin as a reminder that Hashem brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand.