
Ki Tisa

Ki Tisa-1

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8 years ago
Chp. 30 verses 11 - 21: Introduction, Instructions for a census. The giving of the half shekel would be an atonement for their souls, when they would be counted. It would be given by all males from the age of twenty years and up. The rich could not give more nor the poor give less then the half shekel. It would be used for communal sacrifices. Continues with the washstand " kiyor." It was made out of brass and was placed between the Copper Alter and the Tabernacle. The priests were commanded to wash their hands and their feet whenever they would serve either at the alter or in the Tabernacle. This was in addition to purifying themselves in the Mikvah. If they failed to wash their were culpable of the death penalty.

Ki Tisa 2

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8 years ago
Chp. 30 verses 22 - 38 Chp. 31 verses 1 - 3: The anointing oil, was made by Moshe. Its ingredients and its recipe. It was used to anoint the Mishkan and all of its furnishings and vessels. It was also used to anoint Aaron and his sons. It was to be used forever, no matter how often it was used the original twelve log was never diminished. Continues with the Ketoras, the incense, only four of the eleven ingredients are mentioned. It was burnt everyday morning and evening and was an essential part of the High Priests service when he entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippor. Chp. 31 begins with Hashem telling Moshe that He had chosen Bezalel as the master architect in the construction of the Mishkan. Hashem had imbued him with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all the crafts that would be needed for its construction.

Ki Tisa 3

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8 years ago
Chp. 31 verses 4 - 14: Continues with describing Bezalel's talents and his knowledge of weaving, metal work, stone and wood cutting and all types of crafts necessary for the construction of the Mishkan. His assistant was Oholiab the son of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan. The portion then lists all the things that he was involved with. The portion continues with Hashem commanding Moshe to speak to the children of Israel and tell them to keep the Shabbos. It would be a sign between them and Hashem for generations. Also a warning that anyone who desecrates the Shabbos would be put to death and that his soul would be cut off from his people.

Ki Tisa 4

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8 years ago
Chp. 31 verses 15 - 18: Continues with the command of keeping the Shabbos. That one should work six days of the week but the seventh day is holy to Hashem, anyone who desecrates the day will be put to death. The command to guard the Shabbos for ever. A covenant between Hashem and the Jewish Nation, in commemoration of Hashem creating the world in six days and on the seventh He rested. The chapter ends with Moshe receiving the two tablets of testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of Hashem.

Ki Tisa 5

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8 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 1 - 5: Moshe is late returning from the mountain, the people, mostly the mixed multitude insist that Aaron make a golden calf for them. He tells them to take the earrings from their wives and children hoping that it would cause a delay but they immediately bring him their own earrings. He takes the gold from them and fashions a golden calf and he throws it into the fire and through sorcery and the emulate of Micah out comes a walking and talking golden calf. The mixed multitude says to the children of Israel that ."these are your gods Israel that brought you out of the land of Egypt." Aaron then begins to build an alter before it and proclaims, "that tomorrow shall be a holiday to Hashem."

Ki Tisa 6

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8 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 6 - 14: They get up early the next morning to bring sacrifices and worship the golden calf. Hashem tells Moshe to go down from the mountain because his people that he had taken out of Egypt had acted corruptly. They had made a molten calf and had worshiped it. Hashem says that they are a "stiff necked people." He tells Moshe to leave Him alone, which Moshe sees as an opening to pray for the people. He reminds Hashem of the prediction of the Egyptian astrologers who said that they saw signs of blood associated with the Jews in the desert, that G-d would destroy them. Moshe asks Hashem to remember Abraham, Issac, and Israel and the promise that He swore to them. Due to Moshe's prayers, Hashem reconsidered the evil that He had intended to do to His people.

Ki Tisa 7

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8 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 15 - 26: Moshe descends from the mountain and he is carrying the two tablets of testimony in his hands. They are engraved with the writing of Hashem on them. Moshe meets Yehoshua at the bottom of the mountain and he says that he hears the noise of war in the camp. Moshe corrects him and says that it is the sound of singing. When Moshe sees the golden calf he becomes angry and he breaks the tablets. He takes the calf and grounds it up into a powder and has the people drink it. He then questions Aaron about why he made the calf? Aaron tells him what the people said to him and that he told them to bring their gold and he threw it in the fire and out came the calf. Moshe saw that the people had become unrestrained and he stood at the gate of the camp and said whoever is for G-d come to me and the whole tribe of Levi came.

Ki Tisa 8

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8 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 27 - 35 Chp. 33 verses 1 - 11: Moshe has called the whole tribe of Levi and has told them that Hashem has commanded that all those who had served the golden calf should be put to death with the sword. They followed Hashem's command even killing their own relatives. Moshe acknowledges to Hashem that the people had sinned but he says to Hashem forgive them and if not erase from the book which you have written. Hashem agrees to forgive them but tells Moshe that He would no longer personally lead them but that an angel would. He tells Moshe that He would always remember the sin of the golden calf. Chp. 33, Hashem tells them to leave the place and go to the land that was promised to the forefathers. Hashem tells Moshe that they are a stiff necked people, and he the people to remove the crowns that they received at Mount Horeb. Moshe pitches his tent outside the camp and the cloud of Hashem descends upon it, and everyone bowed toward Moshe's tent. Hashem spoke to Moshe face to face like a man spea

Ki Tisa 9

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8 years ago
Chp. 33 verses 12 - 23: Moshe pleads with Hashem that he not send an angel to lead them, but that only He, Hashem should do so. Moshe then says to Hashem that if He would not lead them then they would not leave the mountain. Hashem agrees and Moshe asks that the Divine Presence should only rest on the Jewish people and not the nations of the world and again Hashem agrees. Moshe seeing that it was a time of grace, asks Hashem to show him His glory. Hashem says that no man can see Him and live. Hashem tells him that He would place him in a crevice in the rock and that He would cover his face until He passed by. Then He would remove his hand and Moshe would be able to see his back but His face he would not see.

Ki Tisa 10

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8 years ago
Chp. 34 verses 1 - 7: Hashem commands Moshe to hew out two tablets of stone so that he could write on them the same words that were on the first tablets that Moshe broke. He tells him to come up to the top of the mountain by himself and warns him that no animals should graze opposite the mountain. Moshe did as Hashem commanded and he got up early in the morning and took the two tablets and he went up on the mountain. Hashem came down in a cloud and stood there with him. Then Hashem passed before him and proclaimed the thirteen attributes of mercy.

Ki Tisa 11

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8 years ago
Chp. 34 verses 8 - 21: After hearing about Hashem punishing the sinner Moshe quickly bows so that the punishment will not go any further than the fourth generation. He then asks Hashem to lead the people personally and to forgive their sins. Hashem agrees to make a covenant with the people and to do marvels for them that no other nation had see, to show them that He is with them. He commands them to drive out the seven nations of the land, least they remain as a snare for them. He commands them to destroy all their idols, to not serve another god, and to not eat of the sacrifices to their gods. A command not to marry their daughters, since it will make your sons go astray after their gods. A warning not to make molten gods. Then it continues with the commandment to keep the holiday of Matzoth. That all firstborn of sheep or cattle belong to Hashem, and that the firstborn of a donkey must be redeemed with a sheep. If one does not redeem it, you must break its' neck. All the firstborn of your children must be

Ki Tisa 12

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8 years ago
Chp. 34 verses 22 - 35: Continues with the holidays of Shavuoth and Succoth. A command for all male members of the nation to present themselves before Hashem three times a year. A promise that while they were gone no one would covet their land. A command not to slaughter the pascal offering with leaven in your possession, and to not leave any of it over until morning. A command to bring the first fruits and not to cook a kid in its mothers milk. Moshe returns from his forty days and nights on the mountain; he did not eat or drink during his stay. He came down with the second set of tablets that had on them the ten commandments written by the hand of Hashem. He did not realize that his face shone with the radiance of Hashem. When the people saw this brilliant light they were afraid to approach him. Moshe therefore called Aaron, the elders, and all the people and he instructed them regarding what Hashem had told him on Mount Sinai. When he finished speaking he covered his face with a veil. Whenever he spoke to

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