
Lech Lecha

Lech Lecha 1

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12 years ago
Chp.12 verse 1. Introduction to the sedra and an overview of first verse

Lech Lecha 2

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12 years ago
Chp. 12 verse 2 - verse 7. Hashem promises Avraham health, wealth, and children. He gives him the ability to bless others. Avraham leaves Haran with Sarai and Lot and he comes to Shechem were he builds an alter to Hashem.

Lech Lecha 3

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12 years ago
Chp. 12 verse 8 through end of chp. 12. Avraham builds an alter to Hashem. There is a famine in the land and he goes to Egypt, he tells Sarai to say she is his sister and she is abducted by Pharoh. He showers Avraham with gifts, but he is punished with plagues. He then releases her and gives them a royal escort out of Egypt.

Lech Lecha 4

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12 years ago
Chp.13 verse 1-18: Avraham leaves Egypt and comes back to Canaan with his wife and Lot. Both are very wealthy which causes quarrels between them. They separate, Lot goes to Sodom, and Avraham goes to Chevron. Hashem then appears to him and promises to give the land of Israel to him and his descendants.

Lech Lecha 5

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12 years ago
Chp. 14: Story of the five kings rebelling against the four kings and being defeated. They capture Sodom and take Lot and all the populace captive. Avraham goes to battle against the four Kings to rescue Lot and defeats them. He meets Malchi Tzeddek, who brings him bread and wine. Avraham returns all the people to the king of Sodom but refuses to accept any of the booty.

Lech Lecha 6

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12 years ago
Chp. 15 verses 1-15: After Avram's victory over the 4 kings Hashem assures him that he still has a great deal of merit. Hashem then promises him that he will have an heir and that he will inherit the land. This is called the "covenant between the parts." Hashem has him bring three animals and two birds as part of the ritual. He then tells him that his children will be enslaved for 400 years and the nation that enslaves them will be judged and that they will leave with great wealth. But G-d assures him that this would occur after his death, that he would live in peace.

Lech Lecha 7

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12 years ago
Chp. 15 verse 16 - chp. 16: Continues with the description of the "covenant between the parts." Chp. 16 discusses the relationship between Sawri, Avram, and Hagar. Also the birth of Yishmael.

Lech Lecha 8

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12 years ago
Chp. 17: Hashem asks Avram to become perfect with the mitzvah of circumcision. This would be an everlasting covenant between G-d and Avram's children forever. Hashem then changes his name to Avraham and Sawri to Sawra. Hashem promises him the land and a son from Sawra whom he will name Yitzhok. Hashem also promises him that Yishmael will be successful. At age 99, he circumcises himself and all the male members of his household, to include Yishmael who was 13 years old.

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