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9 years ago
Chp. 27 verses 20 & 21: Introduction, oil for the lamp. What the western lamp represented. Who it was for. Why the purest oil was used for burning and not eating. That it should be placed in front of the curtain of the Holy of Holies. An everlasting statute on behalf of the children of Israel forever.

Tetzaveh 2

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9 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 1 - 5: The vestments, Hashem commanded Moshe to induct Aaron and his sons into the priesthood with the same feelings of joy that he felt when Moshe had been chosen to be the leader of the nation. He was to instruct the wise-hearted artisans to make clothing that would be for both splendor and beauty. Aaron would wear them when he would minister before Hashem. The clothing consisted of the: breastplate, an ephod, the robe, a knitted tunic, a turban, and a sash. The pants and the head band would be mentioned later. Eight garments all together. They were to made out of gold, sky blue, dark red, and crimson wool, and the linen.

Tetzaveh 3

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9 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 6 - 21: The Ephod, (the apron) it's material and how it was constructed. The two onyx stones that were worn on the shoulder of the high priest and the names that were embossed on them. The Chosen Mishpat (the breastplate of judgment) was made up of the same material as the Ephod. It was square and folded over. On it were the four rows of precious and semi precious stones and on them were embossed the names of the twelve tribes, the names of the three forefathers, and the words "Shev tey Yeshurun." There were six letters on each of the stones for a total of seventy two letters.

Tetzaveh 4

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8 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 22 - 35: Description of the "Chosen Mishpat" the breastplate and how it was connected to the "Ephod," the apron. All the names of the tribes of Israel were engraved into the stones of the breastplate. It was folded in half and on the inside was placed the ineffable name of G-d, which was called the "Urim V'Tummim." This name was the power which caused the letters on the stones to light up. The "M' il" the robe, was completely blue with pomegranates that were made of blue, purple, and scarlet thread on its skirts. In addition there were golden bells between them all around. A bell and a pomegranate all around the edge of its skirt. The sound would be heard whenever Aaron, the high priest, went into the holy place so that he would not die.

Tetzaveh 5

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9 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 36 - 43 & Chp. 29 verses 1 - 2: Continues with clothes worn by the High Priest. The "Tzitz" head band made out of pure gold with the words, "Holy to the L-rd" engraved on it. It was connected by blue threads connected to the cap that the High Priest wore. Moshe was commanded to dress Aaron and his sons in their priestly garments. Afterwards It mentions the linen pants that all the priest wore to teach us that although Moshe dressed them, they came to him wearing their linen pants. Chapter ends with the command that they should wear these special clothing whenever they would minister before G-d in the Temple or Tabernacle so that they would not die. Chp. 29 begins the consecration of the priest and the command to take one young ox and two rams for sacrifices. In addition he was to bring three Meal offerings.

Tetzaveh 6a

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9 years ago
Chp. 29 verses 3 - 30: Continues with the consecration of Aaron and his sons into the priesthood. They went to the Mikvah. Then Moshe dressed Aaron and anointed him with oil. He then dressed his sons. They all placed their hands on the ox and they confessed their sins and then they sacrificed the ox. He placed its blood on the corners of the alter and poured the rest on its base. He separated those organs and fats that were to be burnt on the alter and the rest of the ox was taken outside the camp to be burnt. Then they placed their hands on the head of the ram. It was sacrificed and its blood dashed on the alter. It was cut up and burnt as a sweet savor to Hashem. The second ram was brought and they placed their hands on its head. They sacrificed it and he took from its blood and placed on the right ear, right thumb, and right toe of Aaron and his sons. He sprinkled the blood and the oil on the clothing of Aaron and his sons to sanctify them. He burnt the fats and organs on the alter and the he waved the t

Tetzaveh 6b

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9 years ago
Chp. 29 verses 30 - 37: Continues with the sixth lecture. It continues with the instruction for future high priests that would succeed Aaron. Their son would minister in their stead on the Day of Atonement only if they could fill his place. The fact that the priests would eat from the sacrifice would act as an atonement for the person bringing the sacrifice. Moshe served for seven days as the high priest with Aaron standing with him wearing the clothes of the high priest he did not wear them. Finishes with the law that anything that touches the alter becomes holy even if it wasn't fit, as long as it hadn't been used for idolatry, bestiality, had a fatal disease. or anything similar to these.

Tetzaveh 7a

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8 years ago
Chp. 29 verses 39 - 46 & Chp. 30 verses 1 - 10: The consecration of the Alter. The continual burnt offering; two sheep, one sheep the first sacrifice brought in the morning and the second one the last sacrifice brought in the afternoon. They were accompanied with a meal offering and a wine libation. With this sacrifice Hashem promised that His presence will dwell among the children of Israel. Chp. 30, concludes the portion with the description of the golden alter. It was used to burn the incense, which was a sweet savor to Hashem. The incense was burnt every morning when the priest would clean the menorah and every evening when the priest would light it. The portion concludes with a mention of the Yom kippur service which served as an atonement for the nation throughout the generations.

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