

Toldot 1

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11 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 19 - 23: Introduction, begins with the genealogy of Yitzhok. He marries Rivkah. She is barren, they pray to Hashem and she becomes pregnant. She finds the pregnancy difficult and so she goes to prophet to inquire about her situation. He tells her that she is pregnant with twins, and that the older one would serve the younger one.

Toldot 2

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11 years ago
Chp. 25 verse 24 - 34: The birth of Esau and Yaakov. Esau sells his firstborn birthright to Yaakov for a bowl of lentils.

Toldot 3

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11 years ago
Chp. 26 verses 1 - 22: There is a famine in the land. Yitzhok moves to Gerar the land of the Philistines. The people are jealous of his success and they ask him to leave. He re-digs the same wells that his father dug but there is contention. He then digs a third well which no one contends with.

Toldot 4

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11 years ago
Chp. 26 verse 23 - Chp. 27 verse 10: Yitzhok makes a treaty with a king. Esau marries and Yitzhok prepares to bless Esau.

Toldot 5

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11 years ago
Chp. 27 verses 11 - 27: Based on his Mother's insistence Yaakov puts on Esau's clothing. He places goat's hair on his arms and takes the food that his mother has prepared to his father. His father is not sure who is standing in front of him since the voice is the voice of Yaakov but the hands are those of Esau. Yitzhok eats the food and prepares to bless the son who is standing before him.(Yaakov)

Toldot 6

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11 years ago
Chp. 27 verses 28 - 38: Yitzhok unwittingly blesses Yaakov with the firstborn blessing. Yaakov exists just before Esau enters with the food for his father. Esau cries bitterly when his realizes that Yaakov had duped him and taken the blessing. He asks his father for another blessing but Yitzhok tells him that there is no other blessing. He refuses to take no for an answer and finally his father tells him that he will bless him.

Toldot 7

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11 years ago
Chp. 27 verse 39 -46 Chp. 28 verses 1 -9: Esau receives his blessing from his father. Rivkah warns Yaakov about Esau's intention to kill him. She tells him to flee to her brother Lavan. Chp. 28, Yitzhok tells Yaakov to go to Padan Aram and to take a wife from the daughters of Lavan. Esau sees what his father told Yaakov so he too takes a new wife from the daughters of Yishmael.

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