11 years ago
Chp. 28 verse 10 & 11: Introduction, Yaakov leaves Beer Sheva and goes to Charan. He reaches the place of the Temple and sleeps there because the sun sets early. He takes 12 stones from the area to protect his head.
11 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 12 - 15: Yaakov has a dream in which Hashem promises to protect him and his descendants and to give him the land that was promised to his grandfather. Also to return him back to the land.
11 years ago
Chp. 28 verses 16 -22: Yaakov wakes up from his dream and realizes that the place he slept was the house of G-d, and that he had just received a prophecy. He anoints the stone and calls the place Luz. He then asks Hashem to give him "food to eat and clothes to wear" and to return him back to his father's house in peace. In return he promises to give one fifth of all that he has to G-d.
11 years ago
Chp. 29 verse 1 -12: Yaakov travels to Charan. He comes to a well where three Shepherds are waiting to water their sheep. They are waiting for the other shepherds to roll the stone off the well so that they can all water their sheep. In the meantime Rachel comes and he kisses her and he cries. Rachel runs to tell her father that Yaakov has arrived.
11 years ago
Chp. 29 verses 13 - 25: Yaakov meets Lavan. Lavan hires Yaakov to tend his sheep and agrees to work for seven years to marry Rachel. Lavan tricks him and gives him Leah his older daughter instead. The night after the wedding Yaakov realizes that he has been duped and confronts Lavan and asks him, why he tricked him?
11 years ago
Chp. 29 verses 26 - 35: Lavan explains to Yaakov why he gave him Leah instead of Rachel. He agrees to work another seven years for Rachel. He marries her seven days later. Hashem sees that Leah is not loved and gives her four sons, while Rachel remains barren.
11 years ago
Chp. 30 verses 1 - 21: Rachel sees that she is not bearing any children so she gives Yaakov her handmaiden Bilhah as a wife. She bears him two sons. Leah who has also stopped having children gives Yaakov her handmaiden Zilpah for a wife and she bears two more sons for him. Then Leah gives the "mandrakes" that her son had given her to Rachel in exchange for a marital night with Yaakov and she gives birth to Issacher. She then bears the tenth son to Yaakov, Zebulun. After that she gives birth to a daughter, Dinah.
11 years ago
Ch.30 Verses 22-43: Rochel gives birth to Yosef, and Lavan strikes a deal with Yaakov to tend his sheep for profit. Lavan tries to cheat Yaakov many times but Hashem protects him and he becomes very wealthy in spite of Lavan's deception.
11 years ago
Chp. 31 verses 1 - 35: Yaakov realizes that his relationship with Lavan has deteriorated. He had his wives come out to the field and he informs them that Hashem has told him to return to the land of his father. They agree, and he leaves without Lavan's knowledge. Rachel takes her father's "terafim" with her. Lavan hearing that Yaakov has fled, chases after him. He is visited by G-d in a dream and told not speak neither good nor bad to Yaakov. Lavan reaches Yaakov's camp and rebukes him for leaving without saying good bye, and asks why he had stolen his gods? Yaakov tells him that "with whomever you find your gods, he shall not live." He searches and finds nothing.
11 years ago
Chp. 31 verse 36 - 54 Chp. 32 verse 1 - 3: Yaakov expresses his anger that Lavan has searched all of his possessions. They decide to make a treaty between them at "Galaid." They sit down to a meal, and Lavan spends the night. Chp. 32, Lavan gets up early in the morning and goes back to his place. Yaakov leaves and he is met by the angels of Hashem.